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Spice Up Sichuan

我通过 Spice Up Sichuan 的目标是与您分享我对这个地区的热爱,向您展示我从不同角度访问过的无数目的地。

With Spice Up Sichuan I would like to share  my love for this region, showing you countless destinations I visit from various perspectives.



This website is a tribute to Sichuan and to its people, and so I would like not only to tell you my story, but also to give voice to the people I will meet in this journey through cities and villages.​​

自从我开始旅行以来,我的愿景就是激发人们探索新的地方,无论远近。从我记事起,我就一直渴望发现新的地方和文化。 我一直相信,每一天都是开阔视野和创造持久回忆的机会。

Since I have started traveling my vision has been to inspire people to explore new places, near and far.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a constant yearning to discover new places and cultures. I’ve always believed that each travel is an opportunity to broaden horizons and create lasting memories.

在不久的将来,Spice Up Sichuan “燃趣四川” 还将为外国人和中国人提供购买四川产品和享受四川的机会,通过当地体验、活动和导游。在此之前,欢迎随时关注我,并与我联系以获取有关四川的任何建议和信息。

In a near future,  Spice Up Sichuan "燃趣四川" will also offer occasions to buy products and enjoy Sichuan through  local experiences, events and guided tours for foreigners and Chinese people. Until then, please feel always welcome to follow me and contact me for any kind of suggestion and information about Sichuan.

Image by Fay Lee
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