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Image by Peijia Li

川菜 Sichuan Food



川菜有“七滋八味”之说,“七滋”指甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、咸; “八味”即是鱼香、酸辣、椒麻、怪味、麻辣、红油、干烧、干炒。

川菜突出的是麻、辣、香、鲜及油大、味厚的特点,重用“三椒”和鲜姜。 在7种基本味型的基础上,又可调配变化为多种复合味型。

川菜的复合味型有24多种,如咸鲜味型、家常味型、麻辣味型, 等等

Most Sichuan dishes are spicy, although a typical meal includes non-spicy dishes to cool the palate.

Sichuan cuisine is composed of seven basic flavours: sour, pungent, hot, sweet, bitter, aromatic and salty.

Sichuan food is divided into five different types: sumptuous banquet, ordinary banquet, popularised food, household-style food and snacks. Sichuan cuisine often contains food preserved through picklingsalting and drying. Preserved dishes are generally served as spicy dishes with heavy application of chili oil.

Sichuan cuisine is the origin of several prominent sauces/flavours widely used in modern Chinese cuisine, including Yuxiang (魚香fish flavor),Mala (麻辣spicy) and Guaiwei (怪味 exotic taste).

There are many local variations within Sichuan Province and the neighbouring Chongqing Municipality, which was part of Sichuan Province until 1997. Four sub-styles of Sichuan cuisine include Chongqing, ChengduZigong and Buddhist vegetarian style.

UNESCO declared Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, to be a city of gastronomy in 2011 to recognise the sophistication of its cooking.

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